Start of a New Season - With the O'Keefes
I'd like to introduce the O'Keefe family, party of 2.5. Kristen and Amos have allowed me to join in the fun of their lives over this next year and I am so excited! Get used to seeing these faces as they will come again here in a handful of weeks and then again, and again.
Have I mentioned how much I love the idea of my For Every Season sessions?! I LOVE being able to share in life with other people. And especially being able to document some of the most life-changing/beautiful moments in a persons life. It really can't get much better. This is the very reason cameras were invented.
Anyway, the O'Keefes are waiting the arrival of their little girl. We ventured out to a new (to my camera) location here in Knoxville and I am quite glad we did!
Here's to our next year together you guys!