Christmas at Bluebird
This year, for the first time EVER, I spent a morning at Bluebird Christmas Tree farm and have photos of some real sweet clients to prove it! One of those clients being the one who got this session ball rolling (and brought me doughnuts!). It was a beautiful, sunny morning. The kiddos were on the move and a few adults were just as rambunctious. Never a dull moment when you're spending time with families. Especially the Cragwalls! I think I laughed as much as I pressed the shutter button.
I don't think I can say it enough...I really do LOVE my clientfriends (new word). Some are friends who also become clients and some are clients who become friends. Just good all the way around. Here's to a very Merry Christmas to these families and yours! May your celebrations be warm, festive and filled with lots of laughs!
P.S. Bluebird Christmas Tree farm is a lovely place to start a new family tradition!